Tuesday, September 9, 2008

child·like - Like or befitting a child, as in innocence, trustfulness, or candor

As I'm sitting here, I can hear Alex's 3 year old niece playing in the other room. She's laughing and having a good time. There's no worry there. There's no planning for the future. Just living in the moment.

I wish sometimes that life could be lived through the eyes of a child. But we all grow up. We pile on all the worries, troubles and thoughts of adults. We have to worry about paying our bills, taking care of our houses, gas prices, you name it. But when we were children, none of that mattered. We trusted our parents and family to take care of us. There was a certain innocence. We didn't know or understand all the grown up stuff.

Of course we were dependent on those older than us, but it was the trust that we had in others that is so special. It's so hard for us to trust people as we grow up. We get hurt by someone and that trust is lost. Children trust, even if they get hurt. Their parents could be the worst parents in the world and they would still trust that they would be cared for.

I decided to go in the other room and play with Jordyn just for a few minutes. And for a few minutes I was transported back to being carefree. Laughing and playing, not worrying about a thing. Life would be so much simpler if we could do a little more laughing and not as much worrying.

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